Why do dogs eat grass?
Your dog might eat grass for a few different reasons, but rest assured that this is common behaviour. In fact, even wild dogs have been spotted eating grass! Regardless, it does pay to keep an eye on your dog if they eat a lot of grass or their eating has recently changed. Eating a bit of grass here and there isn’t necessarily a bad thing at all. However, it could mean your dog’s diet or routine could be improved.
Is it safe for my dog to eat grass?
It’s safe for your dog to eat grass as long as you haven’t used any pesticides or fertilizers on your lawn. As such, try not to let them nibble grass on the median strip or out the front of strangers’ houses if you’re unsure. And be sure to stop them from eating grass if you’ve used any toxic chemicals in your garden.
Reasons why dogs eat grass
They have a stomach ache
There is a well-known theory that dogs sometimes eat grass to induce vomiting. This might sound a little strange, but this might be a relief for your dog if they feel a bit sick on the stomach. Similarly, the fibre in the grass might help their digestive tract run a little more smoothly from beginning to end! This isn’t a cause for worry, but of course, call your vet if your dog seems really unwell or is vomiting a lot.
They like grass
A dog might eat grass just because they like the taste and texture! Many dogs love to eat and chew, and grass can satisfy that craving. If you'd prefer your dog didn't eat straight from the lawn, you can put some pet grass in a pot and keep it somewhere easy to reach. Alternatively, here are some other healthy vegetables that are safe to give your dog as a snack every now and then. This might satisfy their craving for greens.
They need more nutrients in their diet
It’s possible that your dog might be eating a lot of grass because there is something missing from their food. For example, your dog will go searching elsewhere if they aren’t eating a balanced diet with enough roughage. Therefore, have a chat with your vet if you think something is lacking in their food and they will put you on the right track.
Your dog may have anxiety
Your dog may have anxiety or boredom if it's grazing your lawn every day. Try to look at the bigger picture: for example, are there other destructive behaviours, such as chewing furniture or digging holes? Has your routine changed recently? Are you leaving your dog home alone all day? Your dog might be lonely and trying to soothe themselves. If this is the case, it’s a good idea to get a dog walker or dog sitter to stop by during the day to give your dog some exercise. You might find that this sorts out their grass-chewing habit!