Chico is a Maltese with a mix of Shih Tzu breed. My previous landlady adopted him from their family friend and I took care of him while living with them. I have now adopted him from them as they were unable to care for him.
He is a very smart dog. Knows when to let us know if he needs to pee and poop. We have a small backyard and he goes out whenever he needs to go potty.
He loves taking walks even though he has arthritis. Sometimes we let him walk straight for about 10 minutes and when he gets tired, we'll just carry him. He's a bit spoiled in a way. But all good because we love him so much!
He’s a very low maintenance dog because of old age. He sleeps during the day and is awake only for like 3-4hours a day. He sleeps in our bedroom but in his own bed. He likes to have his dental stick before we go to bed. After that, he will sleep very soundly.
He’s a bit of an introvert. Likes to be alone. Doesn’t play much anymore too. He mostly stay in the bedroom to sleep.