About Michelle
Hello pet owners! I am here to help you with your pet care needs..
I have now worked in the animal behaviour and training industry for 4 years. During this time I have attended animal behaviour and training seminars, workshops and hutch include mechanical skills along with theory. I am currently studying separation anxiety.
Why choose me? Because I only follow science and research backed techniques.
All include:-
Animals have been a part of my whole life, from dogs to cats to fish. I love helping people with their animal care and ensuring its whats best for the animal. I love to walk, cuddle, and ensure they are comfortable at all times.
I have worked with horses so am confident handling larger animals, horses are practically big dogs with hoofs right? I know it can make things a lot harder when your pet is bigger as you need the peace of mind that the handler will be able to keep them safe.
The reason I have choose to become a regular pet sitter is down to me knowing what it feels like to be a pet owner who has a busy life and needs access to care or to just have a holiday.
I offer a calm but fun environment for more reserved pets but an energetic fun time for pets who have energy to burn in order to ensure a good nights sleep for both. I live in a pet friendly part of Sydney with access to lots of parks. I live close to Elizabeth Bay and centennial is a swift drive away.
Availability- Monday- Friday
Weekends please see my diary for availability.
Walks & Home visits between 30-60 mins. Depending on age/needs. Playtime and cuddles included. Ball or tug or whatever interactive game your dog likes. All services up to 1 hour.
If you want your dog off leash I can accommodate! Embarkation Park, Lawrence Hargraves Reserve, Beare Park, Macleay Reserve, Rushcutters Bay Park to name a few.
If you prefer I can just simply enjoy time with your pets at home, and take your pet on near home walks and they can relax in the safety of their own home.
I hope this helps you to get a feel for my caring nature and enables you to see why I love to care for all animals.
If your looking to socialise your “choosy” dog I can be of assistance with my 3.5 year old puppy. He loves to play with dogs that are older(not necessarily bigger) than him!
Big or small they all deserve love 💗